“It’s the owners and developers issue. Why aren’t we included on your list?”
It’s a question I get often. The entire team at Hotel Business gets it, too. This time, it’s the annual owners and developers ranked chart. But we run many lists throughout the year—management companies, brokers, sources of funding, branding, construction companies—and no matter the report/list, a similar query seems to always fill our inboxes.
We’ve all heard of the phrase: You need to be in it to win it. I’m always reminded of that when responding to these questions with my simple and short answer: The charts are based on submissions. You need to fill out a survey and submit it in order to be included on our annual lists. We send out reminders through our various channels and via various means (eblasts, emails, phone calls) if we see you’ve participated in the past, yet have not for the current year.
Why am I devoting some space to this? Because no matter how many times or in how many ways we solicit submissions, there are always companies that do not participate. Of course, if you choose not to, that’s fine. But, inevitably, a number of companies want to be included but don’t fill out the appropriate survey forms on hotelbusiness.com.
We want to make sure you’re part of our reports and lists if, in fact, you want to be. We know how important it is to you to have your name and company out there, listed among your peers. And, believe me, it’s important to us, too. We want to publish the most comprehensive charts we can to provide our readers with the information they need—and want—to grow their businesses.
If you missed the owners and developers survey, or any of the previous ones we’ve run this year, you still have a chance for 2023. Our annual and much-anticipated Green Book publishes in December. If you have not already completed a questionnaire for your category, please take a minute to jump online now and fill one out.
Furthermore, here’s a list of all of the surveys we conduct throughout the year; the schedule will be the same for 2024. Make a note as to which month is specific to what you do, and plan to submit your form for next year’s issue(s). Again, these are all available on hotelbusiness.com.
March: Brokers
April: Management companies
May: Construction companies
August: Owners & Developers
September: Brands & Franchise fees
October: Sources of Funding
Green Book: All of the above, in addition to Architects & Designers and Purchasing companies
The post Be in it to win it appeared first on hotelbusiness.com.
Source: hotelbusiness.com